Monday, July 22

a species of least concern


a species of least concern

Maria Cyranowicz

translated from the Polish

by Małgorzata Myk


26 pages, paper, staple-bound.

Toad Press/Veliz Books, 2024. $6.00

You can purchase a copy of a species of least concern from Veliz Books.

Maria Cyranowicz (b. 1974)—Polish poet, literary critic, literary events curator, teacher, and editor. In 1999 she received the prestigious Ludwik Fryde Award for Young Critics. Author of six books: neutralizacje (Biblioteka Frondy, 1997), i magii nacja (Zielona Sowa, 2001), piąty element to fiksja (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2004), psychodelicje (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2006), den.presja (Fundacja Mammal, 2009) and machinacje (Stowarzyszenie Wspólny Pokój, 2024). Co-editor of two anthologies: Gada !Zabić? Pa)n(tologia neolingwizmu (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2005, with Pawel Kozioł) and Solistki. Antologia poezji kobiet (1989-2009) (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2009, with Joanna Mueller and Justyna Radczyńska). Co-editor and contributor to art/literary magazines Meble and Wakat/Notoria. Her poems have also appeared in the following anthologies: Strefa wolna. Wiersze przeciwko nienawiści i homofobii (Outside the Box, 2019), Queer. Dezorientacje. Antologia Polskiej Literatury Queer. Eds. Alessandro Amenta, Tomasz Kaliściak, Błażej Warkocki (Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2021), and Świat Się Wiecznie Zaczyna. Antologia Juliana Przybosia. Ed. Uta Przyboś (WBPiCAK, 2022). Her poetry has been translated into English, Spanish, and Hungarian. She lives in Warsaw.
Małgorzata Myk (b. 1975)—Polish literary scholar and translator. She teaches at the University of Łódź in the Department of North American Literature and Culture. Author of the monograph Upping the Ante of the Real: Speculative Poetics of Leslie Scalapino (Peter Lang, 2019). The Kościuszko Foundation Fellow in 2017/18 (UCSD) and Fulbright Senior Award recipient in 2024/25 (University of Utah). Her translation of E. Tracy Grinnell’s poetry appeared in Odmiany Łapania Tchu: Pięć Amerykańskich Głosów (Variants of Catching Breath: Five American Voices), edited by Mark Tardi (Łódź: Dom Literatury 2022). Her translations of Maria Cyranowicz’s poetry into English appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation, periodicities: a journal of poetry and poetics, AzonaL: Poetry in Translation, and ANMLY. She has recently translated Lisa Robertson’s The Weather, titled Pogoda (Kraków: LOKATOR, 2024). Her translation of Kevin Davies’s selected poems, titled Wczesna Muzyka Komputerowa, is forthcoming from Disastra Publishing. Her new translations of Maria Cyranowicz's poems are forthcoming from Litmus Press in Fall 2024 in Viscera: Eight Voices from Poland (ed. Mark Tardi). She lives in Warsaw.

Looking for a peek into this chapbook? Read a couple poems at ANMLY: "document 0.21" and "document 0.25" first appear in ANMLY 36 and are included in a species of least concern.


Tuesday, April 2

20% off for Poetry Month!


April is National Poetry Month, which means it's a great time to nab a chapbook! All poetry titles at Veliz Books, including all of Toad Press's poetry translation chapbooks, are 20% off through the end of April
Hop on over to the Veliz Books store and pick up some poetry today!

Wednesday, February 28

2024 Chapbook Series


We are so excited to share our 2024 selections! This year we'll publish three chapbooks: 

  • A Species of the Smallest Care, poems by Maria Cyranowicz, translated by Małgorzata Myk
  • An Unknown Taste, poems by Park Soran, translated by Susan K
  • 09/09 : Nine Japanese Female Poets / Nine Heian Waka, translated by Naoko Fujimoto

Thanks again to all who submitted during our open reading period this year! It was wonderful to see what you've been working on, and we loved reading your translations! 

Look for A Species of the Smallest Care & An Unknown Taste & 09/09 : Nine Japanese Female Poets / Nine Heian Waka from Toad Press/Veliz Books this summer and fall!

Sunday, October 15

Now reading for the 2024 series!


Submissions for the 2023 Toad Press International chapbook series are now open, and we can't wait to read your translations!  
Review our Submission Information and FAQs for more details. When you're ready, send us your chapbook manuscript via Submittable. We'll be open for submissions through December 31, 2023, and we aim to make our choices for the 2024 series (publication in summer/fall 2024) by early February. 
We invite you to submit for free, choose to pay a $6 submission fee, or purchase a chapbook from our impressive catalog when you submit. Don't forget, you can always purchase Toad Press titles, book bundles, or Veliz titles from the Veliz Books store!  
When you're ready, head to Submittable and send us your work. 

Wednesday, September 20




Anna Glazova

translated from the Russian

by Alex Niemi

26 pages, paper, staple-bound.

Toad Press/Veliz Books, 2023. $6.00

Cover design: adapted from a botanical drawing of yellow wolfsbane from the NYPL Digital Collections.

You can purchase a copy of Hekate from Veliz Books.

Anna Glazova is a prominent poet, scholar, and a laureate of the Andrei Bely Prize. She has published six books of poetry and received her PhD in German and Comparative Literature at Northwestern University (USA). She translates from German and English; among the authors she has translated are Franz Kafka, Unica Zürn, Walter Benjamin, and Emily Dickinson. She lives in Hamburg, Germany.

Alex Niemi is a writer and translator from French, Russian, and Spanish. She is the translator of For the Shrew by Anna Glazova (Zephyr Press) and The John Cage Experiences by Vincent Tholomé (Autumn Hill Books), as well as the author of the poetry chapbook Elephant (dancing girl press). She was the recipient of a 2023 NEA Translation Grant for her work on Anna Glazova's poetry. 

Wednesday, August 23

Word Heart


Word Heart

Yaxkin Melchy

translated from the Spanish

by Ryan Greene


35 pages, paper, staple-bound.

Toad Press/Veliz Books, 2023. $6.00

Cover design: Niel Gan.

You can purchase a copy of Word Heart from Veliz Books.

Yaxkin Melchy Ramos (Mexico City, b. 1985) is a Mexican and Peruvian-Quechua poet, translator, ecopoetics researcher, bookmaker, and artisan-activist-editor who writes primarily in Spanish. He is the author of THE NEW WORLD, a five-part “constellation-book” which was written intermittently between 2007 and 2017. Currently he is a post-doctoral student at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, where he is researching ecopoetic currents between Japan and Latin America. Since 2017, he has been translating contemporary Japanese poetry to Spanish, and currently he runs the artisanal press Cactus del viento, which focuses on ecological, spiritual, and transpacific poetics. He also publishes on his personal blog, Flor de Amaneceres.

Ryan Greene (AZ, b. 1994) is a translator, book farmer, and poet from Phoenix, Arizona who is currently working with Yaxkin Melchy to translate the first three books of THE NEW WORLD. He's a co-conspirator at F*%K IF I KNOW//BOOKS [] and a housemate at no.good.home []. His translations include work by Elena Salamanca, Claudina Domingo, Ana Belén López, Giancarlo Huapaya, and Yaxkin Melchy, among others. Since 2018, he has facilitated the Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective bookmaking workshops at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore. Like Collier, the ground he stands on is not his ground.

Read an interview with Greene about translating Melchy's poems on the Action Books blog at