Monday, July 22

a species of least concern


a species of least concern

Maria Cyranowicz

translated from the Polish

by Małgorzata Myk


26 pages, paper, staple-bound.

Toad Press/Veliz Books, 2024. $6.00

You can purchase a copy of a species of least concern from Submittable.

Maria Cyranowicz (b. 1974)—Polish poet, literary critic, literary events curator, teacher, and editor. In 1999 she received the prestigious Ludwik Fryde Award for Young Critics. Author of six books: neutralizacje (Biblioteka Frondy, 1997), i magii nacja (Zielona Sowa, 2001), piąty element to fiksja (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2004), psychodelicje (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2006), den.presja (Fundacja Mammal, 2009) and machinacje (Stowarzyszenie Wspólny Pokój, 2024). Co-editor of two anthologies: Gada !Zabić? Pa)n(tologia neolingwizmu (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2005, with Pawel Kozioł) and Solistki. Antologia poezji kobiet (1989-2009) (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2009, with Joanna Mueller and Justyna Radczyńska). Co-editor and contributor to art/literary magazines Meble and Wakat/Notoria. Her poems have also appeared in the following anthologies: Strefa wolna. Wiersze przeciwko nienawiści i homofobii (Outside the Box, 2019), Queer. Dezorientacje. Antologia Polskiej Literatury Queer. Eds. Alessandro Amenta, Tomasz Kaliściak, Błażej Warkocki (Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2021), and Świat Się Wiecznie Zaczyna. Antologia Juliana Przybosia. Ed. Uta Przyboś (WBPiCAK, 2022). Her poetry has been translated into English, Spanish, and Hungarian. She lives in Warsaw.
Małgorzata Myk (b. 1975)—Polish literary scholar and translator. She teaches at the University of Łódź in the Department of North American Literature and Culture. Author of the monograph Upping the Ante of the Real: Speculative Poetics of Leslie Scalapino (Peter Lang, 2019). The Kościuszko Foundation Fellow in 2017/18 (UCSD) and Fulbright Senior Award recipient in 2024/25 (University of Utah). Her translation of E. Tracy Grinnell’s poetry appeared in Odmiany Łapania Tchu: Pięć Amerykańskich Głosów (Variants of Catching Breath: Five American Voices), edited by Mark Tardi (Łódź: Dom Literatury 2022). Her translations of Maria Cyranowicz’s poetry into English appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation, periodicities: a journal of poetry and poetics, AzonaL: Poetry in Translation, and ANMLY. She has recently translated Lisa Robertson’s The Weather, titled Pogoda (Kraków: LOKATOR, 2024). Her translation of Kevin Davies’s selected poems, titled Wczesna Muzyka Komputerowa, is forthcoming from Disastra Publishing. Her new translations of Maria Cyranowicz's poems are forthcoming from Litmus Press in Fall 2024 in Viscera: Eight Voices from Poland (ed. Mark Tardi). She lives in Warsaw.

Looking for a peek into this chapbook? Read a couple poems at ANMLY: "document 0.21" and "document 0.25" first appear in ANMLY 36 and are included in a species of least concern.