Thursday, August 22

09/09 : Nine Japanese Female Poets / Nine Heian Waka


09/09 : Nine Japanese Female Poets / Nine Heian Waka

translated from the Japanese

by Naoko Fujimoto


21 pages, paper, staple-bound.

Toad Press/Veliz Books, 2024. $6.00

poems by Sei Shōnagon, Fujiwara no Teishi, Murasaki Shikibu, Kōkamonin no Bettō, Izumi Shikibu, Koshikibu no Naishi, Ukon, Daini no Sanmi, and Empress Shōshi

translations, original essays, and drawings by Naoko Fujimoto

You can purchase a copy of 09/09  from Veliz Books.

Naoko Fujimoto was born and raised in Nagoya, Japan. Her poetry collections are We Face The Tremendous Meat On The Teppan (2022), winner of C&R Press Summer Tide Pool Chapbook Award, Where I Was Born (2019), winner of the editor's choice by Willow Books, Glyph:Graphic Poetry=Trans. Sensory (2021) by Tupelo Press, and four chapbooks. She is a RHINO Poetry & Tupelo Quarterly translation editor, and Working On Gallery curator. She is a Bread Loaf Translation full scholarship recipient and a 2023 Visiting Teaching Artist at the Poetry Foundation. Her full-length translation collection, Of Women, is forthcoming from Tupelo Press. For more info, please visit