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Thursday, September 6

Eduardo Milán: Poems

Eduardo Milán: Poems 

translated from the Spanish by Leora Fridman 
33 pages, paper, staple bound
in English and Spanish on facing pages

Toad Press, 2012, $5

You can purchase a copy of Eduardo Milan: Poems here
& add this book to your Goodreads list, here

& read an excerpt from this book at Two Lines, The Center for the Art of Translation, here.

Eduardo Milán is a Uruguayan-born poet who left Uruguay in 1979 for Mexico due to political persecution. He has published over a dozen books of  poems, as well as essays and literary criticism. He is the recipient of the Premio de Poesía Aguascalientes.

Leora Fridman is a writer, translator and educator. An Assistant Director of the Juniper Institute and co-curator of the Jubilat/Jones Reading Series, she lives in Massachusetts.