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Friday, October 2

2015 Open Reading Period

Thank you all for sending so many amazing translations our way during the 2015 open reading period!

We see that we have our work cut out for us: so much great reading & difficult decisions ahead, but we'll aim to make our 2016 chapbook choices asap so that we can share the news with you here in early February-ish. Stay tuned....


We are open for submissions!!!!! Please read our submission information for guidelines, check out the FAQs, and then hop over to our submittable page and upload your work.

We'll remain open for submissions through December 31, 2015, so please take a look at our previous publications, hone your translation, and send it on over in the next couple of months. We look forward to reading your work! 

Tuesday, August 25



poems by Karen Wild Díaz

translated from the Spanish by Ron Paul Salutsky 

34 pages, paper, staple bound

Toad Press, 2015, $5.00

You can purchase a copy of Anti-Ferule here
& add this book to your Goodreads list here

Karen Wild Díaz was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. She studied philosophy at the University of Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint Denis, and is now an assistant professor at the University of the Republic. Her first book in English, Anti-Ferule was originally published as Anti-Férula (2013, Buenos Aires: Editorial Itinerante; 2014, Niñobúho cartonera). Her poems have appeared in the Argentine anthology Hijas de diablo, Hijas de santo (2014: Niñobúho cartonera) and in English translation in Blue Lyra Review, Copper Nickel, and América Invertida: An Anthology of Younger Uruguayan Poets. Karen practices contemporary dance and incorporates performance into her poetry presentations, and she blogs at

Ron Paul Salutsky, a native of Somerset, Kentucky, is the author of the poetry collection Romeo Bones (Steel Toe Books 2013). His poetry, translations, fiction, and scholarship have appeared in Colorado Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Prairie Schooner, Narrative, Juked, John Clare Society Journal, Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Copper Nickel, and América Invertida: An Anthology of Younger Uruguayan Poets. Ron lives in Thomasville, Georgia, and teaches at Southern Regional Technical College. 

  • "This chapbook announces, from its commencement, its resistance to bodily discipline—indeed to measurement itself...[Diaz] refuses to settle on a single poetics; to give a rigid description of the role of the poet. Rather, in her poems, the poet's work is unstable and dynamic, prode to sudden shifts in content and approach. As she writes at the end of 'Subfloor II,' ... 'Freefall. I say yes, I say no. Now I am a poet. Now I'm not[.]'" -  on Anti-Ferule and Transitory Poetics, over at Entropy Magazine.

Friday, August 21

The Tears

The Tears

by Olivia Rosenthal

translated from the French by Béatrice Mousli

 17 pages, paper, staple bound

Toad Press 2015, $5.00

You can purchase a copy of The Tears here
& add this book to your Goodreads list here

Author of twelve novels, Olivia Rosenthal has also written five plays, all of which have been professional staged, and has herself given innumerable performances in theaters and drama festivals throughout France. She has written two short films (acting in one of them), one animated short, and has collaborated on a number of installations and exhibitions with photographers and graphic designers. She is a specialist of 16th century French literature and teaches at the Université Paris VIII, where she founded one of the first Creative Writing masters programs in France.

The focus of Béatrice Mousli's work is writing and publishing. She has authored three literary biographies, two of which were awarded prizes by the Académie francaise, and is currently at work on a fourth. She has also written two publishing histories, edited several volumes of writers' essays and correspondences, and collaborated with Guy Bennett on a variety of projects ranging from books and conferences to exhibitions and a radio essay. Her first book-length translation, We're not Here to Disappear by Olivia Rosenthal, came out from Seismicity Editions/Otis Books in 2015.

Tuesday, February 17

Open Reading results: 2 new chaps for 2015!

Thanks to all who submitted work during our 2014 open reading period! 

We're so pleased to announce that we'll be printing two titles in late summer 2015. Look for: 

Béatrice Mousli's translation THE TEARS, 
                    a hybrid narrative by Olivia Rosenthal
Ron Paul Salutsky's translation ANTI-FERULE, 

                       poems by Karen Wild Díaz  

coming your way, in a few short months.