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Thursday, October 2

2014 Open Reading Period

We're now open to your submissions!!!!! Please read our submission information for guidelines, then hop over to our submittable page and upload your work.

We'll remain open for submissions through December 31, 2014, so please take a look at our previous publications, hone your translation, and send it on over in the next couple of months. We look forward to reading your work! 

We've extended our reading period this year -- new deadline is 1/15/15! 

Update 2/1/15: Thank you all for sending your fantastic translations our way! If you haven't yet heard back from us about your submission, it's because we're still happily reading your work. We anticipate responding to all submissions by mid-February. 

Saturday, September 6

roly poly

Roly Poly / Bicho Bola

poems by Victoria Estol

translated from the Spanish by Seth Michelson

35 pages, paper, staple-bound

Toad Press 2014, $5.00

You can purchase a copy of Roly Poly here
& add this book to your Goodreads list here

Victoria Estol was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1983. Her poetry has earned a commendation from National Pablo Neruda Competition for Young Poets, and it is featured in the anthologies Cualquiercosario (2013), co-edited between Uruguay (Yaugurú) and Spain (Libros de la imperdible), and Fixture (2014), co-edited by the Argentine publishers Chuy and Malaletra. Her poetry also has appeared in a diversity of international journals. Bicho Bola (Yaugurú, 2013) is her first full-length book of poetry.

Seth Michelson is the author of Eyes Like Broken Windows (Press 53, 2012), as well as the chapbooks House in a Hurricane (Big Table, 2010), Kaddish for My Unborn Son (Pudding House, 2009), and Maestro of Brutal Splendor (Jeanne Duvall, 2005). His translation of El Ghetto (Sudamericana, 2003), by the internationally acclaimed Argentine poet Tamara Kamenszain, appears as The Ghetto (Point of Contact, 2011). He teaches the poetry of the Americas at Washington and Lee University, and he welcomes contact through his website.

Monday, September 1

Passenger ultrasound

    Passenger ultrasound

    poems by Justyna Bargielska

    translated from the Polish by Katarzyna Szuster

    19 pages, paper, staple-bound
    Toad Press 2014, $5

    You can purchase a copy of Passenger ultrasound here
    & add this book to your Goodreads list here

    Justyna Bargielska was born in 1977, and is a social activist, poet and writer. She is the author of five books of poetry and two books of prose. Her most recent books are Małe lisy (prose) and Nudelman (poetry). She has twice received the prestigious Nagroda Literacka Gdynia. She lives in Warsaw.

    Katarzyna Szuster teaches in the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Nizwa in Oman. She earned her MA in English philology from the University of Łódź, where she also completed postgraduate studies in editing and publishing. Her poems and translations have appeared in Arterie, Aufgabe, Biweekly, Dekadentzya, Moria, Words Without Borders, and in the anthology Free Over Blood (OFF_Press).


    Monday, March 3

    Two new chaps coming your way in 2014!

    We're so excited to announce that we'll be adding two chapbooks to the Toad Press International chapbook series in 2014: 
    • Katarzyna Szuster's translation Passenger ultrasound, poems by Justyna Bargielska
    • Seth Michelson's translation Roly Poly, poems by Victoria Estol
    We're thrilled to share work from these wonderful translators, and words by these contemporary poets from Poland and Uruguay, with our readers. Be on the lookout for Passenger ultrasound and Roly Poly, coming your way in late summer 2014.

    Thanks so much to all who submitted during our open reading period--we had so many wonderful pieces to choose from! We sincerely hope that 

    1) all your deserving work finds a good home soon, and 

    2) you give us the chance to read more of your fine translations in the future.

    Thursday, February 20

    We've been busy

    reading your translation submissions! We promise to decide on our upcoming 2014 publications as soon as humanly possible. Thanks so much for your patience and, of course, for sending so much wonderful work our way!

    And, we've been working on making our sold-out chaps available for free online. Check out our first re-released e-release, OF THE SAME MIND. This collection of poems by Jóhann Hjálmarsson was translated from the Icelandic by C.M.Burawa and published by Toad Press in 2005.