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Friday, July 8

Suite Prelude A/H1N1

suite prelude a/h1n1
a poem by José Eugenio Sánchez
translated from the Spanish by Anna Rosen Guercio

23 pages, paper, staple bound.

Toad Press, 2011, $5.00


You can purchase a copy of Suite Prelude A/H1N1 here
& add the book to your Goodreads list, here.
It's recommended by Molossus, after all.
psst... Craig Dworkin read it!
  • You can read an excerpt of Suite Prelude A/H1N1 here, published in Words Without Borders.
José Eugenio Sánchez is the author of four collections of poetry and coauthor of several more, as well as being a well-known performer and the recipient of numerous awards. His book, galaxy limited café, was a finalist for the 2010 Jaime Gil de Biedma International Poetry Prize. Originally from Guadalajara, he lives and writes in Monterrey, a couple hours drive from Mexico's border with its neighbor to the north. Sánchez identifies himself as an "underclown," and his aggressively playful work eagerly engages both pop and high culture with irreverence and insight.

Anna Rosen Guercio is a translator and poet. She lives in Los Angeles and her literary work has appeared in or is forthcoming from journals such as The Kenyon Review, Pool, Eleven Eleven, Faultlines, Painted Bride Quarterly, eXchanges, and Words Without Borders, as well as several anthologies. She holds a BA from Brown University, an MFA from the University of Iowa, and is a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Irvine, writing a dissertation on translation studies, poetry, and world literature.

An Evening in Europe

An Evening in Europe
poems by Jörg Fauser
translated from the German by Mark Terrill

22 pages, paper, staple bound

Toad Press, 2011, $5

You can purchase a copy of An Evening in Europe here
& add this book to your Goodreads list, here.


Jörg Fauser, born in 1944 near Frankfurt/Main, broke off his academic studies to work and travel, with longer stays in Istanbul and London, working as a casual laborer, airport baggage worker and night watchman. He supported himself as a journalist, wrote several novels, short stories and poetry collections, and was acquainted with Charles Bukowski. Fauser died in 1987 in an accident on the autobahn near Munich.
Mark Terrill’s writings and translations have appeared in over 500 literary journals and anthologies worldwide, a dozen chapbooks, several broadsides and three full-length collections, including Kid with Gray Eyes (Cedar Hill Books) and Bread & Fish (The Figures). A native Californian and ex-merchant seaman, he currently lives on the grounds of a former shipyard near Hamburg, Germany, with his wife and a large brood of cats.

  • Read a short review of An Evening in Europe here. Thanks, Prague Post!