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The Toad Press International chapbook series publishes contemporary, engaging, beautiful, odd, and avant-garde chapbook-length translations of poetry and prose.


Our do-it-yourself aesthetic keeps our hands nimble and enables us to focus on showcasing exciting new literary work. We keep our print runs small and our price point accessible; we use a combination of professional printing and home assembly to publish 1-3 chapbook titles each year.


Since 2003, Toad Press has been edited and published by Genevieve Kaplan & Sean Bernard.




In 2021, Toad Press became an imprint of Veliz Books. Our partnership allows Toad Press to expand its reach and get our translation chapbooks into the hands of more readers. Our presses participate together in the literary world: at conferences, readings, and other events. Together, we continue to support exciting, literary writing and cheer on our authors and translators. 




Editors & Publishers

Genevieve Kaplan

Sean Bernard

Associate Editor:

Laura Cesarco Eglin (2022-


Tabitha Lawrence (2023-

Kristal Acuña (2022)