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Wednesday, February 28

2024 Chapbook Series


We are so excited to share our 2024 selections! This year we'll publish three chapbooks: 

  • A Species of the Smallest Care, poems by Maria Cyranowicz, translated by MaƂgorzata Myk
  • An Unknown Taste, poems by Park Soran, translated by Susan K
  • 09/09 : Nine Japanese Female Poets / Nine Heian Waka, translated by Naoko Fujimoto

Thanks again to all who submitted during our open reading period this year! It was wonderful to see what you've been working on, and we loved reading your translations! 

Look for A Species of the Smallest Care & An Unknown Taste & 09/09 : Nine Japanese Female Poets / Nine Heian Waka from Toad Press/Veliz Books this summer and fall!