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Friday, June 18

Big announcement!

We are delighted to announce that Toad Press is now an imprint of Veliz Books!

As an imprint of Veliz Books, Toad Press will be able to expand its reach and get our translations into the hands of more readers. We’ll be able to better get the word out about your Toad Press titles, and we’ll have a larger platform for promotion. 

We’ll continue making your chapbooks available for purchase on Submittable, and we’ll keep using this blog and updating our Toad Press facebook page. In addition, we now have a Toad Press tab on the Veliz Books site, and a selection of our chapbooks is available for purchase in the Veliz Books store

Our partnership is a win-win! It means our presses, which already have so much in common, can participate together in the literary world: at conferences, readings, and events. Together, we look forward to continuing to support exciting, literary writing and cheering on our authors and translators. 

Read more about our partnership: "Working Alone, Working Together" in periodicities: a journal of poetry and poetics



Thursday, June 3

Codex of the Insane

Codex of the Insane (Body and Related Matters)

Bronka Nowicka

translated from the Polish

by Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi


 23 pages, paper

Toad Press, 2021. $5.00 

cover image by Małgorzata ET BER Warlikowska

You can purchase a copy of Codex of the Insane here. 

BRONKA (BRONISŁAWA) NOWICKA is a Polish theatre and TV director, screenwriter, poet, and interdisciplinary artist. She is a graduate of the National Film School in Łódź, Poland, and the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. Her literary debut, Nakarmić kamień (To Feed the Stone) was awarded the 2016 Nike Literary Award and the Złoty Środek Poezji (Golden Mean of Poetry) award. In 2017, she was a laureate of the New Voices from Europe project. Her second book, Kodeks Pomylonych (Codex of the Insane), was published in 2020, and To Feed the Stone will be published in a bilingual edition by Dalkey Archive Press in 2021.

KATARZYNA SZUSTER-TARDI is a translator. Forthcoming translations include the books To Feed the Stone by Bronka Nowicka (Dalkey Archive Press, 2021) and Polish Literature and Genocide by Arkadiusz Morawiec (Routledge, 2021). She earned her M.A. in English studies from the University of Łódź, Poland, and was a lecturer at Department of Foreign Languages, University of Nizwa in Oman. Recent translations have appeared in Denver Quarterly, LIT, Michigan Quarterly Review, Tripwire, Berlin Quarterly, and Seedings.