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Thursday, August 31



by José Daniel García

translated by Jesse Tangen-Mills

28 pages, paper, staple bound

cover image is from Thomas Geminus's "Tertia ossium tabula [Skeleton in aiming position]," available from the New York Public Library's Digital Collections

Toad Press, 2017. $5.00

You can purchase a copy of shadowslongshoreman here

José Daniel García was born in Córdoba, Spain in 1979. With his first book, El sueño del monóxido (DVD, 2006), García won the Andalucía Youth Poetry Award. His second collection, Coma (Hiperión, 2008), was awarded the prestigious Hyperion Prize. The cannibal notebook Estibador de sombras (Cangrejo Pistolero Ediciones) was released in 2010.  From 2008-2010, García was a fellow in the iconic Residencia de Estudiantes-CSIC in Madrid. Last year he published his first novel, Fundido a rojo (ediciones En huida, 2016). Included in numerous national and foreign anthologies, his poems have been translated into Italian, Danish and German.

Jesse Tangen-Mills was born in Manhattan, New York. His chapbook of prose poems Alienating Space was released by Publishing Genius. He has written for various anglophone magazines and journals including Guernica, The Believer, and The Times Literary Supplement. His translations have appeared in Letras Libres, Spoila and MAYDAY (forthcoming). He lives in Bogotá, Colombia, with his family.

  • "Serge Gainsbourg’s 1958 song “Le poinçonneur des Lilas” narrates the distress of the anonymous ticket-puncher who gradually loses his mind in the bowels of the Métro, trailing “a carnival of confetti” back to his bed and seeing only transfer maps shine in his “earthenware sky.” Like Gainsbourg’s ticket-puncher, Cordoban poet José Daniel García’s chapbook shadowslongshoreman also participates in a sort of subterranean affect-labor relation in which the speaker invites damage into body and psyche as a means of generating the unproductive expenditure that is poetry." - Zack Anderson reviews shadowslongshoreman at American Microreviews and Interviews.