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Monday, September 19

Tail of the Whale


Tail of the Whale

poems by Alice Sant'Anna

translated from the Portuguese by Tiffany Higgins

33 pages, paper, staple-bound

Cover photograph by Alexandre Sant'Anna

Toad Press, 2016 $5.00

 You can purchase a copy of Tail of the Whale here
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Alice Sant’Anna is a Brazilian poet, born in 1988 in Rio de Janeiro. She is the author of Pé do ouvido (Companhia das Letras 2016), written when she was a Visiting Fellow in comparative literature at Brown University in 2013. Her other books include  Dobradura (“Folding,” 7Letras 2008) and Rabo de baleia (“Tail of the Whale,” Cosac Naify 2013), which won the 2013 APCA Poetry Prize from the São Paulo Art Critics’ Association. She independently published the chapbooks Pingue-Pongue (“Ping-pong,” 2012), in partnership with the esteemed Brazilian poet Armando Freitas Filho; and Ilha da decepção (“Deception Island,” 2014), with photographs by her father, Alexandre Sant’Anna. From 2010 to 2016, Alice co-edited the literary magazine Serrote, produced by the Instituto Moreira Sales, and is now an editor for the publisher Companhia das Letras. She is currently a PhD candidate in Literature at the University PUC-Rio.

Tiffany Higgins is the author of The Apparition at Fort Bragg (2016), an e-chapbook, winner of the Iron Horse Literary Review e-single contest for a long poem, selected by Camille Dungy. Her book And Aeneas Stares into Her Helmet (Carolina Wren Press, 2009) was selected by Evie Shockley as winner of the Carolina Wren Poetry Prize. Her poems appear in Broadsided Press, The California Journal of Poetics, Catamaran Literary Reader, From the Fishouse, Kenyon Review, Massachusetts Review, Poetry, Prelude, Taos Journal of Poetry & Art, and are forth-coming in Ghost Fishing, an anthology of ecojustice poems (U Georgia). In addition to translating emerging Brazilian writers, she is currently writing on threats to indigenous and traditional communities in Brazil’s Amazon.