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Monday, March 3

Two new chaps coming your way in 2014!

We're so excited to announce that we'll be adding two chapbooks to the Toad Press International chapbook series in 2014: 
  • Katarzyna Szuster's translation Passenger ultrasound, poems by Justyna Bargielska
  • Seth Michelson's translation Roly Poly, poems by Victoria Estol
We're thrilled to share work from these wonderful translators, and words by these contemporary poets from Poland and Uruguay, with our readers. Be on the lookout for Passenger ultrasound and Roly Poly, coming your way in late summer 2014.

Thanks so much to all who submitted during our open reading period--we had so many wonderful pieces to choose from! We sincerely hope that 

1) all your deserving work finds a good home soon, and 

2) you give us the chance to read more of your fine translations in the future.